Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In The Beginning...

So, here's my Project 365. My goal with this project is to, first and most obvious of all, take one photo a day for an entire year. Every. Single. Day. Secondly, I want each one of these pictures to represent something special about that day. This, I think, will be the tricky part. It will be a challenge to only pick ONE special thing about the day OR to find something, no matter how simple, to take a photo of. I'm pretty sentimental and I find something to be thankful for every day so hopefully I will have my camera around at all times to snap a pic. And I'm going to try REALLY, REALLY hard not to have 365 pictures of my dog and random photos of Jason and I. Then, after a year, if I've met my goal, I'm going to make something special out of this blog. Some sort of book. So I can look back on this year and smile. Now, a "with it" person would have started this January 1, but that's not me. Instead, my first photo will be tomorrow - April 1st, 2010. Kind of fitting actually, considering I'm an accountant and never live in a "Calendar Year" anyway. So, welcome to a year in my life. Enjoy.


  1. I'm lame and take pictures of Max every day. :/

  2. I don't see where the "lame" part of that comes in??!?

  3. Here's what you need to do:

    If you haven't already, set up your comments to be delivered to your email. So every time someone comments on a post, you get an email notifcation. Then you can comment back by replying to the email, which then goes to that person's email (unless they are anonymous).

    I never see your replies to my comments, because I don't remember what I commentd on. Ha!
