Sunday, May 23, 2010


I took Jason's mom, Pam, to the DSW shoe store because she had never been and she loves shoes almost as much as I do and I got the pair of shoes that I've been eyeing on-line! I love them!! They go with the new sun dress Pam and Tom got me for my birthday! :)



The whole trashy group (minus J's parents who chose to opt out of the trailer park attire) at my White Trash Bash - we had a blast!!!

Earlier in the day, Jason gave me my birthday present which was a 5 hour day at the spa. It was absolutely amazing and I enjoyed every second of it! He made my birthday the best birthday I've ever had!!


My sister (who found it on the internet), my mom, and Amelia (and Dad and Dustin, too) got me this chocolate high heel shoe for my birthday. It was the COOLEST gift EVER!!! I absolutely loved it!

My parents also surprised me by coming up to see me and go out to eat with me and Jason and Jason's parents at Jess & Jim's (a really awesome steak house). I was so surprised and happy I almost cried when I saw them!!


Cliff, Rick, Amber, Jason and I went out for karaoke Thursday night. J and I sang "Bring Me To Life" for the first time together. I sang "Criminal" and "Don't Stop Believing" also, and I pretty much kicked @ss on all of them. It was a BLAST!! :o)


Cliff cleaned up and painted our big smoker. It looks great now!


Sidney's Pre-School Graduation. Adorable :)


A lazy Monday evening surfing the net for tattoo ideas - Gemma was pretty bored so she snoozed.


Went to the park Sunday afternoon so Cliff and Jason could throw the football around and Jake could play at the playground. A nice end to a fun weekend!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Rockfest (or Mudfest as we were calling it) 2010.


Cliff came to town to go to Rockfest and stay the week with us so the four of us went to Kyoto. We had a great night! When I was trying to teach Jake how to say "Key - oh - toe" properly he said, "Dawn, I didn't know you could speak Spanish?!" LOL! He's a crack up!!


Jason finally went to the doctor for his poison ivy... Poor guy is covered!


We had a little baby shower at work, and one of the girls made these safari themed cupcakes. They were so adorable. I brought this one home for Jason to eat.... So Cute!!


Jason and I made a bet on the Celtics v. Caveliers game (Go Boston!) and I won, so I got a foot massage! And a serenade as an added bonus... HAHA


Jason made me a lunch to take to work and packed a sweet little note inside. Made my day!


Did some landscaping in the backyard and cleaned up the back corner at our townhouse... unfortunately, there was some poison ivy or oak back there and Jason got covered. And despite not being allergic, I even got a couple spots myself.


Playing tug-o-war with Gemma. HAHA!


Mmmmm....sushi! :)


A nice relaxing evening with just me and my honey.
I love this picture of the two of us!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Gorgeous spring day!! Happy Cinco De Mayo mi Amigos!!!


Got to come home early today (thanks to a dentist appt.) and spend the evening with my two loves :)


Today is my one year anniversary. That's what's special about today. The reason I do not have a picture to show us celebrating, is because I had to work. This is from my work you can see it was a late night.

We had a glass of wine when I finally got home around 11:30, and then went to bed. Thankfully, Jason came to take me to lunch or we wouldn't have gotten to celebrate at all.

Happy 1 year babe!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


The boys practicing baseball in the backyard. What a great lazy Sunday...


Welcome May!!
Samantha has officially been back in KC one year today. Lena and I went to her new apartment for her party to celebrate :)


My sweet honey bunny made me chicken parm for supper! A fantastic end to a crappy week....


Nothing like coming home after a (another) long day at work and curling up on the couch with a good book. I'm on the last book in the Twilight series....for the third time. Just can't get sick of it!!


Empty candy wrappers and tissues...yeah, its been THAT kind of day. Rough.


Fiscal year-end misery continues....another late night at work. Gonna be a LOOOONG week (or two)


Dark Horse Tour 2010: Sick Puppies, Shinedown, Breaking Benjamin, & NICKELBACK!!
By far my favorite concert I've ever been to! It was AWESOME!! Thanks baby :)


Saint Brendan's (cheap version of Bailey's) and coffee with breakfast Sunday morning...this reminds me SO much of Brenda!!

Miss her :(


Jason and I goofing around - showing our muscles. We had a very rare free weekend with no plans, so we decided to take advantage of it and have a VERY MUCH needed "us" weekend.


Jeans Day Friday! Got to show off my new skinny leg jeans...


Gemma loves to run down the stairs and peek out at us through the rails.


Last minute date night - we went to Kyoto for sushi, our favorite!! :)