Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 7: 07-07-2011

Brazos @ Tonya's: NEW TOY for Brazos from Tonya! He's getting way too big...and he's way too spoiled! At least this time, its not my fault.

Day 6: 07-06-2011

Baby Cakes cupcakes at work courtesy of our auditors: Mmmmm I love cake! Embarrassingly enough, I ate T-W-O cupcakes...

Day 5: 07-05-2011

Brazos in Grammy's tub: Ahhh! I'm nakie MOM!

***NOTE: Ok, technically I didn't take this on the 5th but I missed this day and this photo is just too cute!***

Day 4: 07-04-2011 Independence Day

Amelia's Horse Club @ Hepler Rodeo: God Bless America

Day 3: 07-03-2011

Heather (w/Caroline in the tummy), Me, and Brazos @ Hepler Rodeo: Sassy Sisters!!

Day 2: 07-02-2011

Me on my scale at home: I have officially gone back down to my pre-Brazos weight!! Yay! (and desperately need to paint my toenails - yikes)

Day 1: 07-01-2011

Brazos Carl on Mommy's bed: Helping Mommy with the laundry/packing for our big weekend in Hepler!